hospital supply chain visibility software

What to Think About if You’re Considering Supply Chain Visibility Software | Part Three: Trading Partner Collaboration

This is the third blog of a five-part series.

By Scott Crow, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder

Achieve a higher maturity level.

To achieve this, you must ensure there is existing connectivity and history with trading partners. There must also be willingness and ability to expand capabilities with partners in the future.

Knowledge of your critical care suppliers’ capabilities and limitations is paramount in the consideration of hospital supply chain visibility software. You can’t expect all trading partners to maintain the same maturity, and you should assume significant variances in their capabilities. To this end, key questions to ask include:

  • Is the solution integration ready?
  • Does it create options to make it easy for your trading partners to participate, share data, and collaborate?

There will always be skepticism around open-data sharing. Some suppliers may express hesitancy to provide insight into delays and issues they’re experiencing. They might fear that sharing will cause you to take your business elsewhere. It could also enable the competition to utilize the information to slip in and steal your business.

Be ready to assure your suppliers that collaboration is in their best interest to ensure the longevity of your relationship. After all, without product there is no mission and it’s only through visibility that you can ensure exceptional patient care.

Wondering what your end users might need?

Read PART FOUR: End-User Reach and Value.

Check out our visibility solution and watch our platform overview video to see exactly how our hospital supply chain visibility software works.

Catch up on this Healthcare Purchasing News article about our commitment to bringing cost control and visibility to the healthcare supply chain.