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URAC 5.0 updates to specialty pharmacy distribution

Specialty pharmacy distribution remains a key challenge for the industry, with distribution errors outpacing dispensing errors 8-fold. URAC 5.0 aims to address these challenges by establishing distribution management as a new focus area. 


URAC awards most of their specialty pharmacy accreditations for a three-year period. Specialty pharmacies approaching the end of their three-year accreditation cycle now have several new guidelines to follow under URAC 5.0. 

In the following blog, we dissect the updated accreditation requirements for the specialty pharmacy medication distribution workflow. Then, we outline the implications of these changes and a few key considerations for implementing these updated processes. Lastly, we point to how VPL Rx can help your specialty pharmacy stay on top of evolving accreditation requirements. 

URAC 5.0 updates to specialty pharmacy distribution

URAC released their 5.0 specialty pharmacy accreditation framework in October 2022. It contains a few key changes and additions. One of the most significant of these changes involves the establishment of distribution management as a foundational focus area. This update includes new guidelines for medication distribution management as well. 

The first of these changes now requires specialty pharmacies to define temperature ranges and excursions for medications in distribution. Specialty pharmacies are already familiarized with defining ideal temperature ranges for medications stored within the pharmacy. Now, URAC asks them to define these parameters specifically for medications shipped out of the pharmacy as well. 

Specialty pharmacy distribution key updates

Below are the key highlights of these new distribution management standards for specialty pharmacies: 

  • Define evidence-based criteria on the ideal temperature ranges and excursions for each medication type—frozen, refrigerated, and room temperature. 
  • Determine the necessary packaging products, shipping requirements, and shipping durations for each medication. 
  • Perform qualification testing on distribution procedures and packaging according to all defined temperature ranges and excursions. 

Regarding room temperature medications, specialty pharmacies now have more independence to specify their shipping requirements. This update grants more flexibility to specialty pharmacies when shipping certain room temperature medications. 

For example, some room temperature medications may be required per clinical and manufacturer guidelines to stay at a certain temperature range, and therefore must be shipped at controlled room temperature. Other medications can still maintain stability at a different temperature range and therefore have more flexible shipping guidelines. 

Next, URAC 5.0 updated some of its verbiage regarding qualification testing. When testing their distribution processes, specialty pharmacies must include the temperature profile of regions where they ship their medications. This change acknowledges the varying temperature profiles among different regions and seasons. 

Finally, URAC 5.0 updated its distribution testing requirement from twice yearly to a minimum of once annually. Under these new auditing guidelines, pharmacies have several options to meet this requirement. These include performing periodic ongoing testing, auditing staff completed pack-outs, or auditing pack-out weight consistency.

Demonstrate accreditation requirements with VPL Rx

We support evolving specialty pharmacy accreditation needs with our all-in-one prescription shipping, tracking, and compliance software. 

Our quick shipping workflow provides full carrier and courier optionality, unlocking the best rates and visibility into transit times. With the ability to sort delivery options by estimated time of arrival, you can more accurately determine shipping service level or delivery mode to reduce the risk of temperature excursions. We’re also partnered with several cold chain vendors that offer tailored packaging solutions to ensure temperature control. 

Even after your shipments leave the pharmacy, we provide real-time tracking and delivery alerts for your team and your patients. Keeping everyone informed further helps reduce the risk of compromised or missed deliveries. 

And for good measure, Our Customer Care team offers proactive last-mile shipping monitoring and as-needed intervention to ensure that patients receive their medications safely and cost-efficiently. 

Lastly, our solution provides compliance-focused data visualization and exportable reporting to help you identify opportunities to optimize shipping operations and control costs. With 10-year proof of delivery and performance metrics, we help you demonstrate distribution accuracy for accreditation and protect manufacturer relationships. 


URAC 5.0 introduced distribution management as a new focus area in part to address several key challenges in this domain. Learning from past lessons, specialty pharmacies now can further refine their distribution processes both to align with these new accreditation standards and to provide the best care possible to their patients. 

VPL Rx can help with our clinically minded software designed to support specialty pharmacy distribution workflows from end to end. You can learn more about our solution and see if it’s the right fit for your pharmacy at https://getvpl.com/pharmacy-solutions/. 

About VPL

We modernize clinical supply chains to support healthier patients. Our technology-driven solutions and consultative customer experience empower health systems and outpatient pharmacies to build smarter, more resilient supply chains. With over 700 hospitals and a 97% customer retention rate, we’re trusted to deliver transparency, cost savings, and peace of mind.