how to get supply chain visibility

Webinar | How to Get Healthcare Supply Chain Visibility

Enhance your healthcare supply chain operations with visibility.

In this virtual presentation, Chad Pfaff, VP of Product Management, discusses how VPL leverages data to unlock visibility. Our Smart Supply Chain Platform was developed to provide healthcare supply chain professionals with an Amazon−like experience. We use technology to maximize cost savings and provide real-time visibility into order status with the industry’s only track-and-trace capability.

As healthcare’s only provider of supply chain visibility, we understand the consequence when supply chain teams can’t track medical products. Delayed procedures, unnecessary back and forth, impaired decision making, lost or expired products, and negative financial impact can seem unavoidable.

Learning objectives include:

  • Identify challenges that come from lack of visibility
  • Opportunities and benefits of visibility in a modern freight management program
  • Supply chain and clinical workflows with and without VPL View