Webinar | Cost Savings & Visibility Opportunities for ASCs


Learn how ASCs can reduce freight shipping costs with Amazon-like ordering experience. We’ve identified an area where Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) are losing significant amounts of money. The culprit: uncontrolled costs related to shipping. The good news is that it’s an easy fix.In this presentation, Chris Tate, Director of Business Development, discusses how VPL’s Smart Supply Chain […]

Webinar | Pitfalls of Traditional Healthcare Freight Management Services

Lack of visibility into the healthcare supply chain is frustrating. VPL can help. We’re reinventing healthcare freight management using technology and automation to provide transparency and visibility into the supply chain. VPL’s software is the best supply chain solution in the marketplace, with guaranteed savings of 20% or more over traditional full-service programs. We support […]

Webinar | Modernize Your Pharmacy’s Prescription Delivery Workflow

Simplify your pharmacy workflow with software solutions If prescription delivery is a part of your pharmacy’s workflow, VPL TrajectRx can help. We believe pharmacists should be able to operate at the top of their license so they can focus on what matters most–delivering quality care to their patients. VPL developed a clinically-minded pharmacy solution to […]

Webinar | Building Blocks Toward Medical Supply Chain Resiliency

medical supply chain resiliency

What It Means to Establish a Resilient Supply Chain Lack of visibility into the medical supply chain can lead to operational, clinical, and financial disruptions—all of which have a negative impact on patient care. It’s more important now than ever to have the right product, at the right place, at the right time. However, in […]